The Startup Weekend Koblenz reloaded: After eight years, a lot of experience and knowledge, the Startup Weekend Koblenz, created by the Startup League, not only gets a new name, but also a new format. From the region for the region.

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From 01.07.2022 to 03.07.2022 the „ECKCELLERATE – start your business“ will take place for the first time in the TZK – a weekend for the courageous, curious and creative people who want to turn their idea into a business concept or participate in the ideas of others. 54 hours of teamwork, mentoring and fun.

Here you can experience the emergence of a start-up in a compressed amount of time. Just as an experiment? No, because in recent years companies have actually been founded as a result.

In community with international participants and experienced coaches, you work together from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon.

  • Startup Weekend Koblenz 2019, © Jan Lahitte
  • © Jan Lahitte
  • © Jan Lahitte


On 01.07. we start @ 4 p.m.
You enter the TZK, confirm your registration, receive a welcome package and have time to talk to others or soak up the atmosphere of the Koblenz start-up scene.

The program starts @ 4.30 p.m. with the official welcome by the organization team. You will be introduced to the program as well as the coaches and speakers. A motivating keynote speech is followed by small exercises and the idea pitches.

From 7 p.m. there will be dinner, so that from 8 p.m. we can start finding a team with renewed strength. Then the first phase of work begins.


The second day begins with breakfast @ 9 am. The teams then devote themselves to their tasks. At the same time, workshops will be offered in the course of the morning to help the participants progress. The teams also introduce themselves to the coaches.

Around 1 p.m. there is lunch, after which the teams are supported by the coaches.

Dinner is @ 7 p.m., after which work continues. Experience has shown that many teams work late into the night on their business idea and a convincing pitch.


Final Day!

Breakfast starts @ 9 a.m., after which we continue to work closely with the coaches. Final decisions are made and presentations finalized.

The jury arrives @ 4 p.m., to look at and evaluate the presentations of the teams almost half an hour later. At this point you get constructive feedback on the pitch.

After the award ceremony, everyone ends the instructive weekend with some finger food.

On all three days you will be well supplied with food and drink.

Once again briefly to the steps on the way to the goal:

Step 1: round of introductions. Introduce yourself and possibly also your idea(s).

Step 2: team finding. Which ideas are of interest? Who would like to contribute to whose idea and advance it together? Are you compatible?

Step 3: Let your idea grow! This is the longest and best phase of the weekend. Working in a team is now the order of the day. Coaches (including experienced entrepreneurs, experts from universities and chambers, among others) help with the individual steps to the business concept and all questions that arise. In small sessions you can also get input and learn, for example, how to prepare a convincing pitch.

Step 4: Pitch in front of the jury and investors. Undoubtedly the most exciting part of the event takes place on Sunday afternoon.
It’s going to be great!

And in between? Shared meals, networking and fun. If you want to get a first impression of the event, you can find reviews (link) of past events here.

This year will be different than usual – even better! So register quickly.

If you would like to get an impression of our coaches beforehand, you are welcome to use LinkedIn:

Kornelia van der Beek; Universität Koblenz
Alexandra Klöckner; XIMPL
Stephan Mahlow; Mahlow Media e.K.
Mathias Vaßen; Fruchtfuchs
Johannes Utsch; GmbH
Thomas Müller; curassist
Susanne Baltes; IHK Koblenz
Sonja Pfeiffer-Suppee; IHK Koblenz
Andrea Kron; kronkonsult 
Stefan Schneider; Sparkasse Koblenz
Dr. Dominik Preusche; PREUSCHE & PARTNER Patent- u.Rechtsanwälte mbB
Johannes Quast; Dornbach
Holger Weißhaupt; Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB)
Kunz Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Miriam Schuff; Koblenz-Stadtmarketing GmbH 
Karin Kretzer; Sdui

Would you like to know more about the new look of the event? Then follow @eckcellerate on Instagram. 😉

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